Sunday, August 14, 2016

Mormon abridged records that covered a thousand years! This abridgement (The Book of Mormon) is priceless to us.

 And now I, Mormon, proceed to finish out my record, which I take from the plates of Nephi; and I make it according to the knowledge and the understanding which God has given me.
 10 Wherefore, it came to pass that after Amaleki had delivered up these plates into the hands of king Benjamin, he took them and put them with the other plates, which contained records which had been handed down by the kings, from generation to generation until the days of king Benjamin.
 11 And they were handed down from king Benjamin, from generation to generation until they have fallen into my hands. And I, Mormon, pray to God that they may be preserved from this time henceforth. And I know that they will be preserved; for there are great things written upon them, out of which my people and their brethren shall be judged at the great and last day, according to the word of God which is written.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


We played this at Christmas time.  There are 17 from the Smith line and 8 from the Whiteley line.  Can you identify?

Saturday, March 5, 2016


    Peter Smith, Samantha Smith, Darby Smith, Andrew Smith, and Trevor Smith

Photos taken at Finn's baptism

Saturday, February 13, 2016

This is our Christmas letter from 1994

The last 21 years have really gone by fast.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Monday lunch group at BYU

Really enjoy having lunch with these three on Mondays.  Steve teaches in the accounting department and Samantha and Peter are students.